What You Need to Know About Fire Rated Trunking Clips in Fire Safety Compliance


Fire-rated trunking clips are designed to meet stringent standards to prevent fire spread through cable management systems.  

This blog post will delve into the importance of fire-rated trunking clips, their key features, and their role in maintaining fire safety standards. 

Understanding Fire-Rated Trunking Clips: 

Fire-rated trunking clips are essential components of fire-resistant cable management systems. These clips are specially engineered to withstand the intense heat generated during a fire, preventing the rapid spread of flames and smoke through cable pathways. Their primary purpose is to secure and support cables within trunking systems while providing a barrier against fire propagation. 

Key Features of Fire-Rated Trunking Clips: 

Material Composition: 

Fire-rated trunking clips are typically made from materials with high fire resistance, such as steel or other fire-resistant alloys. This ensures that the clips remain structurally intact even in extreme heat. 

Fire Rating Certification: 

Look for trunking clips rigorously tested and certified by relevant fire safety authorities. A reputable fire rating certification assures that the clips meet or exceed the necessary standards for fire resistance. 

Durability and Load-Bearing Capacity: 

Fire-rated trunking clips must resist fire and maintain their structural integrity to support cables. Consider the load-bearing capacity of the clips to ensure they can effectively secure cables in place, even under the stress of a fire event. 

Ease of Installation: 

Opt for trunking clips that are easy to install and compatible with the cable management system. Proper installation is crucial for the clips to perform effectively in a fire. 

Role of Fire-Rated Trunking Clips in Fire Safety Compliance: 

Containment of Fire: 

The primary function of fire-rated trunking clips is to contain fire spread within a confined area. By preventing flames from reaching other parts of a building through cable pathways, these clips contribute significantly to overall fire safety. 

Smoke and Toxic Gas Mitigation: 

In addition to preventing fire spread, fire-rated trunking clips help limit the release of smoke and toxic gases. This is crucial for creating a safer evacuation environment and reducing the potential for respiratory harm. 

Compliance with Regulations: 

Many building codes and regulations mandate using fire-rated materials in construction, including cable management systems. Installing fire-rated trunking clips ensures compliance with these regulations, helping building owners and managers meet legal requirements for fire safety. 


What are fire-rated trunking clips, and why are they essential for fire safety? 

Fire-rated trunking clips are specially designed components that secure and support cables within cable management systems. They are crucial for fire safety as they help contain the spread of fire, limit damage, and ensure the protection of occupants. 

How do fire-rated trunking clips contribute to building code compliance? 

Fire-rated trunking clips play a vital role in meeting building codes and regulations related to fire safety. Their use ensures that cable management systems adhere to the necessary standards, promoting compliance with fire safety requirements. 

Are all trunking clips fire-rated, or do they require specific certifications? 

Not all trunking clips are fire-rated. It's essential to choose clips with specific fire rating certifications, such as those tested and approved by relevant fire safety authorities. These certifications confirm the clips' ability to withstand fire and contribute to containment. 

Can fire-rated trunking clips be used in all types of cable management systems? 

Yes, fire-rated trunking clips are designed to be versatile and compatible with various cable management systems. However, it's crucial to ensure that the selected clips match the specific requirements and configurations of the cable pathways. 

How often should fire-rated trunking clips be inspected or replaced? 

Regular inspections of fire-rated trunking clips are recommended to ensure their ongoing effectiveness. If any damage is detected or the building undergoes renovations or changes, it's advisable to consult a fire safety professional to determine whether replacements or updates are necessary. 


Every component plays a vital role in the intricate web of fire safety compliance. Fire-rated trunking clips might seem like small, inconspicuous elements, but their significance cannot be overstated. By choosing and installing these clips carefully, building owners and managers can enhance the fire resistance of their structures, creating a safer environment for occupants and minimizing the potential for damage during a fire emergency. As technology advances and fire safety standards evolve, staying informed about the latest developments in fire-rated trunking clips is crucial for maintaining the highest level of safety in buildings and facilities. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Fire Rated Trunking Clips, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here
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