What Are the Common Problems with Black Plastic Maxi Trunking?


Black plastic maxi trunking is a popular cable management system used in various environments such as homes, offices, and industrial settings. It is made of a durable plastic material such as PVC or HDPE and consists of a base, lid, and connectors. 

While black plastic maxi trunking offers many benefits such as cable organisation and protection, it is not without its problems. In this blog post, we will discuss the common problems associated with black plastic maxi trunking and offer solutions to address these issues.

Loose Fitting of Trunking

One common problem with black plastic maxi trunking is the loose fitting of the trunking. This issue can be caused by several factors, such as an incorrect measurement of the trunking, incorrect installation of the base, or the use of inadequate connectors, such as tees and couplers. When the trunking is loosely fitted, it can impact the effectiveness of the system in organising and protecting the cables.

To address this issue, it is important to ensure that the correct measurements are taken when installing the trunking. Additionally, using the appropriate connectors and ensuring that the base is properly installed can help to prevent loose fitting.

Cracking and Breaking

One of the common problems with black plastic maxi trunking is cracking and breaking. This can be caused by various factors, such as exposure to extreme temperatures, physical impact, or prolonged use. Cracks and breaks can affect the effectiveness of the trunking in managing cables and can also pose safety risks, such as the risk of electrical shock.

To prevent cracking and breaking, it is important to choose high-quality black plastic maxi trunking that is made from durable materials. It is also important to ensure proper installation and avoid overloading the trunking with too many cables or heavy equipment. If cracks or breaks occur, they should be repaired immediately using suitable adhesive or replaced entirely.

Warping and Distortion

Another common problem with black plastic maxi trunking is warping and distortion. This can be caused by exposure to heat, prolonged use, or improper installation. Warping and distortion can make it difficult to route and organise cables effectively and can also pose safety risks, such as the risk of cables coming loose and causing electrical hazards.

To prevent warping and distortion, it is important to choose black plastic maxi trunking that is heat-resistant and made from high-quality materials. It is also important to ensure proper installation and avoid exposing the trunking to excessive heat or other damaging factors. If warping or distortion occurs, the trunking should be replaced entirely.

Inadequate Cable Protection

Another common problem with black plastic maxi trunking is inadequate cable protection. While the trunking is designed to protect cables from damage, there are instances where the cables can still become damaged. This can occur due to sharp edges or corners within the trunking, or when the cables are not properly secured within the trunking.

To address this issue, it is important to ensure that the cables are properly secured within the trunking and that any sharp edges or corners are addressed. Additionally, the use of cable ties or clips can help to prevent movement and potential damage to the cables.

Difficulty in Installation

Installation difficulties are another common problem associated with black plastic maxi trunking. This can be due to the size of the trunking or the location where it is being installed. Additionally, the installation of the connectors can be challenging and may require special tools.

To address this issue, it is important to have a clear understanding of the installation requirements for the trunking. Additionally, ensuring that the appropriate tools are used during installation can help to prevent issues from arising.

Cable Congestion and Overloading

Cable congestion and overloading are common problems with black plastic maxi trunking that can occur when there are too many cables or heavy equipment in the trunking. This can affect the effectiveness of the trunking in managing cables and can also pose safety risks, such as the risk of cables coming loose and causing electrical hazards.

To prevent cable congestion and overloading, it is important to avoid overfilling the trunking with too many cables or heavy equipment. It is also important to use suitable cable management accessories, such as cable ties or cable organisers, to ensure that the cables are properly organised and secured

Poor Durability in Certain Applications

Black plastic maxi trunking is not suitable for all environments or applications. In certain applications, such as industrial settings, the trunking may not be durable enough to withstand the conditions. Additionally, exposure to UV radiation or extreme temperatures can impact the durability of the trunking.

To address this issue, it may be necessary to explore alternative trunking solutions that are better suited for the specific environment or application.

Potential for Damage due to Environmental Factors

Environmental factors such as moisture or exposure to chemicals can impact the effectiveness of black plastic maxi trunking. When exposed to these factors, the trunking can become brittle or discoloured, impacting its ability to protect and organise the cables.

To address this issue, it is important to protect the trunking from exposure to these environmental factors. This can be done using protective coatings or by selecting trunking materials that are better suited for the environment.

Heat Damage and Degradation

Heat damage and degradation are common problems with black plastic maxi trunking that can occur when the trunking is exposed to excessive heat. This can cause the trunking to become brittle, discoloured, or distorted, which can affect the effectiveness of the trunking in managing cables and can also pose safety risks, such as the risk of electrical shock.

To prevent heat damage and degradation, it is important to choose black plastic maxi trunking that is heat-resistant and made from high-quality materials. It is also important to avoid exposing the trunking to excessive heat or other damaging factors.

Maintenance Issues

Maintenance is an important aspect of ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of black plastic maxi trunking. Failure to maintain the trunking can lead to issues such as loose fitting or cable damage.

To address maintenance issues, it is important to regularly inspect the trunking for signs of wear or damage. Additionally, cleaning the trunking can help to prevent the build-up of dirt or debris that can impact its effectiveness.


Black plastic maxi trunking is a popular cable management system that offers many benefits. However, it is not without its problems. Loose fitting, inadequate cable protection, difficulty in installation, poor durability in certain applications, potential for damage due to environmental factors, and maintenance issues are some of the common problems associated with black plastic maxi trunking.

In applications where black plastic maxi trunking may not be durable enough to withstand the conditions, alternative trunking solutions should be explored. 

Overall, black plastic maxi trunking is a reliable cable management system that can effectively organise and protect cables when installed correctly and in the appropriate environment. By understanding and addressing the common problems associated with black plastic maxi trunking, it can continue to be a useful and effective solution for cable management needs.

If you want to take a closer look at our range of black maxi trunking click here.  If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Paul Russell, click here.

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