The Hidden Costs of Cable Deterioration and the Value of Galvanized Trunking


The world of cable and containment management on building sites is fraught with challenges. One of the most critical yet often overlooked issues is cable deterioration. This article delves into the insidious costs associated with cable wear and tear, highlighting the value of using galvanized trunking as a robust solution.  

Understanding Cable Deterioration 

Cable deterioration can be attributed to several factors, primarily natural wear and tear, environmental conditions, and overloading issues. These elements can lead to many adverse effects, from electrical hazards to operational disruptions and safety concerns. The costs incurred from these detriments often remain hidden, gradually impacting the overall efficiency and safety of the system. 

Hidden Costs of Cable Deterioration 

The hidden costs of cable deterioration go beyond the apparent maintenance expenses. Downtime costs and safety compromises can significantly impact the operational budget and, more importantly, jeopardize the workforce's well-being. Therefore, addressing cable deterioration isn't just a matter of monetary concern; it's imperative to ensure a secure and efficient work environment. 

Importance of Galvanized Trunking 

In the battle against cable deterioration, galvanized trunking emerges as a key player. Its benefits extend beyond enhanced durability and corrosion resistance, offering long-term cost savings and a robust shield against the detrimental effects of wear and tear. By understanding the value of galvanized trunking, one can grasp its significance in ensuring the safety and longevity of the entire electrical system. 

Installation and Maintenance of Galvanized Trunking 

When it comes to installing galvanized trunking, adhering to best practices is crucial. Proper sizing and fitting, secure fastening methods, and adequate ventilation are essential considerations. Additionally, regular cleaning and inspections, along with prompt addressing of any corrosion issues, are vital for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of the trunking system. 

Comparing Different Types of Trunking 

While galvanized trunking offers substantial benefits, it's essential to understand its counterparts, such as PVC trunking, stainless steel trunking, and aluminium trunking. An analysis of their effectiveness, including durability, longevity, and overall cost, can help make an informed decision based on the site's specific requirements. 


Can cable deterioration be reversed? 

Cable deterioration, once initiated, cannot be entirely reversed. However, prompt actions and protective measures such as galvanized trunking can effectively halt its progression. 

What are the signs of cable deterioration? 

Signs of cable deterioration include insulation damage, discolouration, and increased heat emission. Regular inspections are crucial in identifying these indicators early. 

How does galvanized trunking prevent corrosion? 

Galvanized trunking is coated with a layer of zinc, which acts as a sacrificial barrier, preventing the underlying metal from corroding. This significantly enhances the trunking's durability. 

What is the typical lifespan of galvanized trunking? 

With proper installation and regular maintenance, galvanized trunking can last several decades, offering a reliable and long-term cable protection solution. 

Are there any alternatives to galvanized trunking for cable protection? 

While there are alternatives, such as PVC and stainless steel trunking, their effectiveness may vary depending on the specific environmental conditions and budget constraints. 

How can I ensure the proper installation of galvanized trunking? 

To ensure proper installation, following manufacturer guidelines, using appropriate tools, and engaging trained professionals are crucial. Regular inspections post-installation are also vital. 


The article has shed light on the hidden costs of cable deterioration and emphasized the value of galvanized trunking as a comprehensive solution. By recognizing the significance of investing in durable and reliable trunking systems, cable and containment installers can ensure a safer, more efficient, and cost-effective environment on building sites. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Galvanised Trunking, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here
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