Price Comparison: Galvanised Trunking vs. Standard Cable Conduits


The choice between galvanised trunking and standard cable conduits is pivotal in the world of cable and containment installations on construction sites. Each option offers unique advantages and disadvantages, which can significantly impact the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your project.  

This comprehensive guide will delve into the details of these two cable management solutions, helping cable and containment installers and project managers make informed decisions. Let's explore the price comparison between galvanised trunking and standard cable conduits and understand which one suits your specific needs. 

Galvanised Trunking: A Closer Look 

Galvanised trunking, a versatile cable management solution, is prized for its durability and longevity. Let's break down its key features and benefits: 

Durability and Corrosion Resistance 

- Galvanised trunking is made from steel and coated with a layer of zinc, rendering it highly corrosion-resistant. 

- This durability ensures a long lifespan, making it a cost-effective choice for cable and containment installations on building sites. 

Mechanical Strength 

- The steel construction of galvanised trunking provides excellent mechanical strength, protecting cables from external forces. 

- It's preferred in demanding environments where cables need robust protection. 

Easy Installation 

- Galvanised trunking is designed for easy installation, with various customisable accessories. 

- This simplifies the setup process, saving time and labour costs for your construction project. 

Standard Cable Conduits: Exploring the Basics 

Standard cable conduits are another widely used cable management solution. Here are some of their key characteristics: 

Material Variability 

- Standard cable conduits are available in various materials, including PVC, metal, and flexible options. 

- This versatility allows you to choose a conduit that suits the specific needs of your project. 


- PVC conduits, in particular, are cost-effective and easy to work with, making them a popular choice for many projects. 

- They provide insulation and protection for cables at a reasonable price point. 

Customisation Options 

- Standard conduits come in different sizes and configurations, allowing you to customise your cable management system according to your requirements. 

- This flexibility is valuable in tailoring the solution to your project's unique needs. 

Price Comparison: Making an Informed Choice 

When deciding between galvanised trunking and standard cable conduits, it's essential to consider your project's specific demands and constraints. Here are some factors to keep in mind: 

- Budget: Standard cable conduits, particularly PVC options, tend to be more budget-friendly, making them an attractive choice for cost-conscious projects. 

- Durability: For projects requiring long-lasting, robust cable management, galvanised trunking is preferred. 

- Environmental Conditions: Consider the environmental conditions in which your installation will operate. If corrosion is a concern, galvanised trunking is the better choice. 

- Customisation: Standard cable conduits offer a range of customisation options, while galvanised trunking is known for its durability and mechanical strength. 

- Ease of Installation: Standard cable conduits may be more suitable if you're looking for quick and easy installation. 


Q: Can I paint galvanised trunking to match the site aesthetics? 

A: Yes, galvanised trunking can be painted to match the site's aesthetics, offering both protection and visual appeal. 

Q: Are there any environmental concerns with using PVC conduits? 

A: PVC conduits are generally safe for the environment; however, disposal should be done in accordance with local regulations. 

Q: Can standard cable conduits be used in outdoor installations? 

A: Yes, some standard cable conduits are designed for outdoor use and can withstand various weather conditions. 

Q: Which option is more suitable for projects in corrosive environments? 

A: Galvanised trunking is the better choice for projects in corrosive environments due to its corrosion resistance. 

Q: What are the typical sizes available for standard cable conduits? 

A: Standard cable conduits are available in various sizes, typically ranging from 1/2 inch to 6 inches in diameter. 

Q: Can I add more cables to the conduit after the initial installation? 

A: Yes, you can add more cables to both galvanised trunking and standard cable conduits, although it may require some adjustments. 


Choosing between galvanised trunking and standard cable conduits is a significant decision in the world of cable and containment installations. It concerns your project's unique requirements, budget constraints, and environmental factors. Both options have advantages, and carefully considering these factors should drive your choice. By making an informed decision, you can ensure a successful and cost-effective cable management solution on your building site. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Galvanised Trunking, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here
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