Myths Busted: Common Misconceptions About Fire Rated Trunking Clips


Fire safety is a paramount concern in any building or infrastructure. Regarding electrical installations, fire-rated trunking clips play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of wiring systems. However, several misconceptions surrounding these components need to be addressed. This blog will debunk common myths associated with fire-rated trunking clips, shedding light on their importance and functionality. 

Myth 1: All Trunking Clips Are the Same 

One prevalent misconception is that all trunking clips serve the same purpose and offer similar levels of fire resistance. In reality, fire-rated trunking clips undergo rigorous testing to meet specific safety standards. These standards vary depending on the region, and choosing clips that comply with local regulations is crucial. Investing in certified fire-rated trunking clips ensures they provide the necessary protection in a fire. 

Myth 2: Fire-Rated Trunking Clips Are Only Necessary in High-Risk Areas 

Some believe fire-rated trunking clips are only required in areas with high fire risk, such as industrial settings or locations with hazardous materials. However, fires can occur anywhere, and electrical systems in commercial and residential spaces are equally susceptible. Fire-rated trunking clips are essential in all environments to minimize the risk of a fire spreading through electrical conduits. 

Myth 3: Fire-Rated Trunking Clips Are Only for Large Installations 

Another misconception is that fire-rated trunking clips are only necessary for extensive electrical installations. Regardless of the size of the project, fire safety should never be compromised. Even in smaller applications, using fire-rated trunking clips ensures that the wiring system is adequately protected, preventing the rapid spread of flames. 

Myth 4: Any Fire-Rated Trunking Clip Will Suffice 

Assuming that any fire-rated trunking clip will provide adequate protection is a common fallacy. It's essential to choose clips specifically designed for the intended application and compliant with relevant safety standards. Different environments may require different levels of fire resistance, so it's crucial to consult with experts and select the appropriate fire-rated trunking clips for the specific project. 

Myth 5: Fire-Rated Trunking Clips Only Protect Against Flames 

While fire-rated trunking clips are designed to resist flames, their role extends beyond that. These clips also protect the release of harmful smoke and toxic gases during a fire. This dual functionality is crucial for ensuring the safety of occupants and minimizing property damage. 


Are all trunking clips the same when it comes to fire resistance? 

No, fire-rated trunking clips undergo specific testing to meet safety standards. Choosing certified clips that comply with local regulations for adequate fire protection is crucial. 

Do I only need fire-rated trunking clips in high-risk areas? 

No, fires can occur anywhere. Whether in residential, commercial, or industrial settings, using fire-rated trunking clips is essential to minimize the risk of fire spreading through electrical conduits. 

Are fire-rated trunking clips only for large installations? 

No, fire safety should never be compromised, regardless of the project size. Fire-rated trunking clips are crucial in all applications to ensure proper protection and prevent the rapid spread of flames. 

Can any fire-rated trunking clip provide sufficient protection? 

No, choosing clips designed for the specific application and compliant with safety standards is essential. Different environments may require different levels of fire resistance. 

Do fire-rated trunking clips only protect against flames? 

No, besides resisting flames, these clips also protect the release of harmful smoke and toxic gases during a fire, contributing to overall safety in an emergency. 


Dispelling these common misconceptions about fire-rated trunking clips is vital for promoting a comprehensive understanding of their importance in fire safety. Choosing the proper clips, regardless of the size or nature of the installation, is a proactive measure that significantly reduces the risk of fire-related incidents. By prioritizing using certified and appropriate fire-rated trunking clips, we create safer environments for everyone. 

Remember, there's no room for compromise when it comes to fire safety. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Fire Rated Trunking Clips, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here
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