How to Select and Install Fire Rated Trunking Clips for Maximum Fire Safety


Fire safety is a critical aspect of any building infrastructure, becoming even more crucial for electrical installations. Using fire-rated trunking clips is an often overlooked but essential component in ensuring fire safety. These clips play a significant role in securing and organizing cables, but their fire-resistant properties add an extra layer of protection. This blog post will guide you through selecting and installing fire-rated trunking clips to enhance fire safety in your electrical installations. 

Understanding the Importance of Fire-Rated Trunking Clips: 

Fire-rated trunking clips are designed to resist fire spread through electrical cable systems. In the event of a fire, these clips act as a barrier, preventing the flames from travelling along the cables and minimizing the risk of fire-related damage. When choosing trunking clips, it's crucial to prioritize those with fire-resistant properties to ensure the highest level of safety for your building and its occupants. 

Selecting the Right Fire-Rated Trunking Clips: 

Compliance with Standards: 

Ensure the trunking clips you select comply with relevant safety standards and regulations. Look for certifications such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories) or equivalent standards in your region. 

Material and Construction: 

Opt for trunking clips made from fire-resistant materials, such as flame-retardant plastics or metal alloys with high fire resistance. The construction of the clips should be robust and able to withstand high temperatures. 

Load Capacity: 

Consider the load capacity of the trunking clips to ensure they can adequately support the weight of the cables. Clips that meet both fire safety requirements and load-bearing standards are ideal for a comprehensive solution. 

Ease of Installation: 

Choose trunking clips that are easy to install, as proper installation is crucial for their effectiveness. Clips with user-friendly features, such as snap-on designs or adjustable mechanisms, can simplify installation. 

Installation Steps for Maximum Fire Safety: 

Assessment of Cable Layout: 

Before installation, carefully assess the layout of the cables to determine the optimal placement of trunking clips. Ensure that the clips are strategically positioned to provide comprehensive coverage. 

Cleaning and Preparation: 

Clean the surfaces where the trunking clips will be installed to remove dust or debris. This ensures a secure attachment and enhances the longevity of the clips. 

Secure Mounting: 

Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for mounting the trunking clips securely. Use appropriate fasteners and tools to ensure a tight and stable fit. 

Spacing and Quantity: 

Space the trunking clips according to the manufacturer's recommendations, considering factors such as the cables' weight and the clips' intended load capacity. Avoid overcrowding or uneven spacing. 

Regular Inspection and Maintenance: 

After installation, schedule regular inspections to ensure the trunking clips remain secure and undamaged. Replace any clips showing wear and tear to maintain optimal fire safety. 


Why are fire-rated trunking clips necessary for electrical installations? 

Fire-rated trunking clips act as a barrier, preventing fire from spreading through electrical cables. They are crucial in minimizing the risk of fire-related damage and enhancing overall fire safety. 

What standards should fire-rated trunking clips comply with? 

You must comply with safety standards such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories) or equivalent regulations in your region. This ensures that the clips meet industry-recognized safety criteria. 

How do I assess the load capacity of fire-rated trunking clips? 

The manufacturer specifies the load capacity of trunking clips, considers the cables' weight, and chooses clips that support the intended load. This information is crucial for a comprehensive and effective solution. 

Can I install fire-rated trunking clips, or should I hire a professional? 

While some trunking clips are designed for easy DIY installation, following the manufacturer's guidelines is crucial. If you are unsure or need clarification or if the installation is complex, it's advisable to consult a professional electrician to ensure proper and secure installation. 

How often should I inspect fire-rated trunking clips for maintenance? 

Regular inspections are recommended to ensure the clips remain secure and undamaged. Perform visual checks periodically and schedule more thorough inspections annually. Replace any clips showing wear and tear to maintain optimal fire safety. 


Incorporating fire-rated trunking clips into your electrical installations is a proactive step towards enhancing fire safety. By carefully selecting clips that comply with safety standards and following proper installation procedures, you create a secure environment for your building and its occupants. Prioritize fire safety in your electrical systems to mitigate potential risks and ensure the longevity of your infrastructure. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Fire Rated Trunking Clips, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here
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