How to Enhance Cable Safety with Galvanised Trunking Installation


Welcome to a comprehensive guide on enhancing cable safety by installing galvanised trunking. This article is tailored for cable and containment installers and project managers working on building sites. Our mission is to provide you with the knowledge and insights necessary to ensure the safety of cables on your projects. 

Cable Safety Starts with Galvanised Trunking 

Galvanised Trunking: The Ultimate Solution 

Galvanised trunking is your secret weapon for cable safety. Its durability and resistance to corrosion make it the ideal choice for long-term cable protection. 

Why Galvanised Trunking is a Must-Have 

Learn why cable safety is crucial on building sites and why galvanised trunking should be your preferred choice. 

Installing Galvanised Trunking: Step by Step 

Selecting the Right Size and Type 

Choosing the appropriate size and type of galvanised trunking is the first step in cable safety enhancement. Learn how to make the proper selection. 

Proper Cable Routing 

Discover the best routing protocols within the trunking to ensure maximum safety and organisation. 

Securing Cables Effectively 

Learn how to secure cables inside the trunking to prevent accidents and damage. 

Grounding and Bonding 

Proper grounding and bonding are essential for cable safety. Find out how to do it correctly with galvanised trunking. 

Weatherproofing and Environmental Protection 

Understand how to protect cables from environmental factors with galvanised trunking. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How does galvanised trunking improve cable safety? 

Galvanised trunking enhances cable safety by providing a robust, corrosion-resistant cable enclosure. 

Are there different sizes of galvanised trunking available? 

Galvanised trunking comes in various sizes to accommodate cable types and quantities. 

Can I install galvanised trunking on my own? 

While it's possible, it's recommended to have a professional installer ensure proper installation and safety. 

Is galvanised trunking suitable for outdoor use? 

Galvanised trunking is ideal for outdoor applications as it offers weatherproofing and environmental protection. 

How often should I inspect galvanised trunking for maintenance? 

Regular inspections are essential to ensure cable safety. Depending on the environment, quarterly or bi-annual inspections are recommended. 

Are there alternatives to galvanised trunking for cable safety? 

While there are alternatives, galvanised trunking remains one of the most reliable options for cable safety. 


Enhancing cable safety with galvanised trunking installation is fundamental to any building project. Following the steps and guidelines in this guide, you can ensure your cables are protected and secure, reducing the risk of accidents and damage. 

Remember, cable safety is not just a requirement; it's a responsibility. Choose galvanised trunking, follow the best practices, and make your building site safer for everyone. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Galvanised Trunking, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here
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