Galvanised Saddles vs. Other Materials: Pros and Cons


Choosing the suitable material for cable and containment installations is crucial for project managers on building sites. In this article, we'll delve into the pros and cons of galvanised saddles compared to other materials, specifically focusing on metal saddles. 

Galvanised Saddles: An Overview 

Galvanised Saddles Defined 

Galvanised saddles are components often used in construction and cable management. They are made by immersing steel or iron in molten zinc, providing a protective coating against corrosion. 

Pros of Galvanised Saddles 

Durability and Corrosion Resistance 

Galvanised saddles are renowned for their durability. The zinc coating acts as a shield, preventing rust and corrosion even in harsh environments. This feature makes them ideal for outdoor applications where exposure to the elements is inevitable. 

Cons of Galvanised Saddles 

Initial Cost and Environmental Impact 

While galvanised saddles offer long-term durability, the initial cost can be higher than alternatives. Additionally, the galvanisation process, though effective, has environmental implications. Installers need to weigh these factors against the long-term benefits. 

Other Materials for Saddles 

Comparison with Metal Saddles 

Apart from galvanised saddles, metal saddles also play a significant role in cable and containment systems. Let's explore the characteristics of metal saddles and compare them to their galvanised counterparts. 

Metal Saddles: A Closer Look 


Features and Applications 

Metal saddles, made from various alloys, provide strength and resilience. They find applications in heavy-duty scenarios where robust support is essential, making them a suitable alternative to galvanised saddles. 

Pros of Metal Saddles 

Strength and Longevity 

One key advantage of metal saddles is their strength and longevity. These saddles can withstand heavy loads and extreme conditions, ensuring a reliable and lasting solution for cable and containment systems. 

Cons of Metal Saddles 

Weight and Conductivity 

However, metal saddles may pose challenges in terms of weight, which can impact installation and transportation. Additionally, certain metals are conductive, requiring careful consideration in environments where electrical conductivity is a concern. 

Choosing the Right Material 


Factors for Decision-Making

The choice between galvanised and metal saddles for cable and containment installers depends on several factors. Consider the project requirements, budget constraints, and specific environmental conditions to make an informed decision. 


Q: Are galvanised saddles suitable for coastal areas prone to salt exposure?

Yes, galvanised saddles excel in coastal environments due to their corrosion resistance, making them a preferred choice. 

Q: Can metal saddles be used in underground installations? 

Metal saddles can be used underground, but it's essential to consider the potential for corrosion and select the appropriate alloy. 

Q: Do galvanised saddles require maintenance over time? 

While galvanised saddles are low-maintenance, periodic inspections are recommended to ensure continued effectiveness. 

Q: Are there eco-friendly alternatives to galvanised and metal saddles?

Some manufacturers offer eco-friendly options, but evaluating their performance against project requirements is crucial. 

Q: Can metal saddles be customised for specific project needs? 

Metal saddles can often be customised based on project specifications, providing tailored solutions. 

Q: Is the weight of metal saddles a significant concern in elevated installations? 

In elevated installations, the weight of metal saddles should be considered, and additional support structures may be necessary. 


The choice between galvanised saddles and other materials, particularly metal saddles, involves weighing various factors. Both options have their merits, and cable and containment installers must assess project needs to make the most suitable choice. By understanding the pros and cons outlined in this article, project managers can ensure the success of their installations. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Galvanied saddles and clips, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here
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