Fire Rated Trunking Clips vs. Standard Clips: Which is Right for You?



In the world of cable management, the choice between fire-rated trunking clips and standard clips is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Both options secure and organise cables, but their differences can have significant implications, especially regarding safety and compliance. In this blog post, we'll explore the distinctions between fire-rated trunking clips and standard clips to help you decide based on your specific needs. 


Understanding Fire-Rated Trunking Clips 


What are Fire-Rated Trunking Clips? 


Fire-rated trunking clips are specially designed cable management accessories tested and certified to withstand fire for a specified period. These clips are commonly used in buildings with paramount fire safety, such as commercial spaces, hospitals, and residential structures. 


Key Features of Fire-Rated Trunking Clips: 


Fire Resistance: The primary feature of fire-rated trunking clips is their ability to resist fire. They are made from materials that can withstand high temperatures and prevent the spread of flames along cables, contributing to the overall fire safety of a building. 


Compliance: Buildings often require Fire-rated trunking clips to comply with safety regulations and codes. Regulatory bodies may mandate using fire-resistant materials in specific environments to minimise the risk of fire-related incidents. 


Advantages of Fire-Rated Trunking Clips: 


Enhanced Safety: The most significant advantage is the improved safety they provide. These clips can help contain the flames and limit the damage in a fire, potentially saving lives and property. 


Regulatory Compliance: Using fire-rated trunking clips ensures that your cable management system aligns with safety standards and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and liability. 


Evaluating Standard Clips 


What are Standard Clips? 


On the other hand, standard clips are general-purpose cable management accessories that are not explicitly designed to resist fire. They are commonly used in environments where fire safety is not the primary concern, such as residential homes and less critical commercial spaces. 


Key Features of Standard Clips: 


Cost-Effectiveness: Standard clips are often more cost-effective than their fire-rated counterparts. This makes them a popular choice in situations where fire resistance is not mandatory. 


Versatility: Standard clips come in various materials and designs, offering flexibility in cable management solutions. They suit multiple applications but may not work in environments with strict fire safety requirements. 


Considerations for Standard Clips: 


Environment: Assess the environment where the cable management system will be installed. If it's a space with stringent fire safety regulations, opting for fire-rated trunking clips may be necessary. 


Budget: Consider your budget constraints. While fire-rated trunking clips offer superior safety, they come at a higher cost. If your budget is limited and fire safety is not a critical concern, standard clips may be a more economical choice. 


Making the Right Choice 


Factors to Consider: 


Regulatory Requirements: Check local building codes and regulations to determine whether fire-rated trunking clips are mandatory in your environment. 


Building Type: Consider the type of building where the cable management system will be installed. High-occupancy structures and those with specific safety requirements may require fire-rated accessories. 


Budget and Priorities: Evaluate your budget constraints and priorities. Investing in fire-rated trunking clips is prudent if safety is paramount and the budget allows. 




What are fire-rated trunking clips? 


Fire-rated trunking clips are cable management accessories designed to resist fire, enhancing safety in buildings where fire protection is a priority. 


When are fire-rated trunking clips necessary? 


To comply with building codes, fire-rated trunking clips are necessary in environments with strict fire safety regulations, such as commercial spaces and high-occupancy buildings. 


Are standard clips suitable for residential use? 


Standard clips are often suitable for residential use where fire safety is not a primary concern. They offer cost-effective and versatile solutions for organising cables. 


What factors should be considered when choosing between the two? 


Consider regulatory requirements, the type of building, budget constraints, and the level of fire resistance needed for the specific environment. 


Are fire-rated trunking clips more expensive than standard clips? 


Fire-rated trunking clips are generally more expensive due to their specialised design and materials. However, they provide enhanced safety in fire-prone environments. 




The choice between fire-rated trunking clips and standard clips depends on various factors, including regulatory requirements, the nature of the building, and budget considerations. Prioritise safety and compliance in environments where fire resistance is crucial and opt for standard clips where cost-effectiveness and versatility are primary concerns. Ultimately, understanding the specific needs of your cable management system will guide you in making the right choice for your unique circumstances. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Fire Rated Trunking Clips, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here

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