Demystifying Fire Ratings: Understanding Trunking Clips Specifications


Trunking clips are pivotal in organizing and securing cables, but their significance extends beyond cable management. In this blog post, we will demystify fire ratings associated with trunking clips, shedding light on their specifications and their critical role in fire safety. 

Understanding Trunking Clips: The Basics 

Trunking clips are devices designed to fasten and support cable trunking systems. These systems encase and protect electrical wiring, promoting organization and safety within various residential and industrial settings. Trunking clips come in various shapes and sizes, tailored to accommodate different types and sizes of trunking. 

The Significance of Fire Ratings 

Fire safety in electrical installations is a non-negotiable aspect of building design and maintenance. TrunkingAsl components of cable management systems must adhere to specific fire ratings to perform effectively during a fire. Fire ratings are standardized classifications that indicate the duration a material can withstand exposure to fire without compromising its structural integrity. 

Critical Fire Ratings for Trunking Clips 

Flame Retardancy (FR) 

Flame retardancy is a fundamental property of trunking clips. Clips with flame retardant properties are designed to resist the spread of fire, minimizing the risk of flames travelling along cables and causing further damage. Understanding trunking clips' specific flame retardancy rating is crucial for selecting the right components for a given application. 

Temperature Resistance 

Trunking clips must withstand elevated temperatures during a fire. The temperature resistance specification indicates the maximum temperature at which the clips can function without deformation or failure. This parameter is critical in ensuring the clips maintain cable integrity, preventing potential hazards even amid a fire emergency. 

Smoke Emission 

In a fire, smoke can be as hazardous as flames. Trunking clips with low smoke emission characteristics help maintain visibility and facilitate evacuation procedures. The smoke emission rating of trunking clips is a vital consideration for applications where minimizing smoke production is essential for safety. 

Compliance with Standards and Regulations 

To ensure the reliability of trunking clips in real-world fire scenarios, it is essential to verify their compliance with industry standards and regulations. Various regulatory bodies set standards that govern the fire performance of materials used in electrical installations. Compliance with these standards assures that trunking clips meet the necessary safety criteria. 

Installation Considerations 

Proper installation of trunking clips is as crucial as their fire ratings. Following manufacturer guidelines and industry best practices ensures that the clips are positioned correctly and securely, optimizing their performance in terms of fire safety. 


Why are fire ratings important for trunking clips? 

Fire ratings ensure that trunking clips can withstand and mitigate the impact of fire, preventing the spread of flames and maintaining cable integrity for enhanced safety. 

What is flame retardancy in trunking clips? 

Flame retardancy refers to the ability of trunking clips to resist the spread of fire. Clips with this property help contain flames and minimize the risk of fire-related damage. 

How does temperature resistance play a role in the fire performance of trunking clips? 

Temperature resistance indicates the maximum temperature at which trunking clips can function without deformation. This feature is crucial for maintaining clip integrity during a fire. 

Why is low smoke emission significant in trunking clips? 

Low smoke emission in trunking clips contributes to better visibility during a fire, aiding evacuation efforts and reducing potential health hazards associated with smoke inhalation. 

What standards govern the fire performance of trunking clips? 

Various industry standards and regulations, such as those set by regulatory bodies, dictate the fire performance requirements for materials used in electrical installations, including trunking clips. Compliance with these standards ensures safety and reliability. 


Demystifying fire ratings associated with trunking clips is essential for anyone involved in electrical installations. Prioritizing fire safety through carefully selecting trunking clips with appropriate fire ratings contributes significantly to overall building safety. By understanding these specifications and ensuring compliance, professionals can create robust and secure electrical systems that prioritize the well-being of occupants in the face of unforeseen emergencies. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Fire Rated Trunking Clips, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here
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