Breaking Down Cable Bench Trunking Costs: What to Expect


In infrastructure development and cable management, the installation of cable bench trunking plays a crucial role. This often-overlooked component is fundamental to the seamless functioning of various systems, from power distribution to data transmission. However, understanding the costs associated with cable bench trunking can be complex. This blog post will break down cable bench trunking costs, providing insights into what to expect and factors that influence pricing. 

Introduction to Cable Bench Trunking 

Cable bench trunking, also known as cable tray or cable trunking, is a system used to support and manage cables. It is a structure consisting of a base and a cover that allows for the organized routing of cables in various settings, including industrial facilities, commercial buildings, and data centres. The primary purpose of cable bench trunking is to protect and organize cables while facilitating easy access for maintenance and repairs. 

Types of Cable Bench Trunking 

Before delving into the costs, it's essential to understand the different types of cable bench trunking available in the market. The two main categories are: 

Metallic Cable Trunking: 

   - Made of metal, such as steel or aluminium. 

   - Provides excellent durability and protection against external factors. 

   - Commonly used in industrial environments where robust cable management is essential. 

Non-Metallic Cable Trunking: 

   - Typically made from materials like PVC (polyvinyl chloride). 

   - Lighter than metallic trunking and often more cost-effective. 

   - Suitable for less demanding environments where corrosion resistance is not a primary concern. 

Understanding the specific requirements of your project will help determine which type of cable bench trunking is most suitable. 

Factors Influencing Cable Bench Trunking Costs 

Several factors contribute to the overall cost of cable bench trunking. Being aware of these factors will allow you to make informed decisions and budget effectively for your project: 

Material and Construction: 

The choice between metallic and non-metallic trunking will significantly impact costs. Metallic trunking, while durable, tends to be more expensive due to the materials used. 

Size and Capacity: 

Larger trunking systems with higher cable capacity will generally cost more. It's crucial to assess the volume of cables your infrastructure requires to ensure proper sizing. 

Installation Complexity: 

The ease or difficulty of installation affects labour costs. Factors such as the need for custom fittings, intricate routing, or specific mounting requirements can influence the overall installation expenses. 

Corrosion Resistance and Special Features: 

If your project involves exposure to corrosive environments, opting for corrosion-resistant materials may increase costs. Additionally, special features such as fire resistance or enhanced security measures can contribute to the overall expense. 

Regulatory Compliance: 

Compliance with industry standards and regulations may necessitate specific design or material requirements, potentially impacting costs. Ensuring your cable bench trunking meets necessary standards is crucial for safety and regulatory adherence. 

What to Expect in Terms of Pricing 

While the cost of cable bench trunking can vary widely, a rough estimate can be provided based on industry averages. On the lower end, basic non-metallic trunking might start at around $2 to $5 per linear foot, excluding installation costs. Metallic trunking, especially in corrosive-resistant materials, can range from $5 to $15 per linear foot. Complex installations or those requiring additional features may exceed these estimates. 

It's important to note that these figures are approximate, and obtaining detailed quotes from suppliers or contractors based on your project's specific requirements is recommended. 


What is cable bench trunking, and why is it important? 

Cable bench trunking is a system designed to support and manage cables, ensuring organized routing and easy access for maintenance. It is crucial for the seamless functioning of power distribution and data transmission systems. 

What factors influence the cost of cable bench trunking? 

Material choice (metallic or non-metallic), size, installation complexity, corrosion resistance, and compliance with regulations influence cable bench trunking costs. 

Is metallic or non-metallic trunking more cost-effective? 

Non-metallic trunking is generally more cost-effective, but the choice depends on specific project requirements. Metallic trunking offers durability, making it suitable for demanding environments. 

How do I determine the right size of cable bench trunking for my project? 

Assess the volume of cables your infrastructure requires. Larger trunking with higher cable capacity will cost more, so sizing is critical for effective budgeting. 

Why is regulatory compliance substantial in cable management? 

Regulatory compliance ensures that cable bench trunking meets industry standards for safety and performance. Adhering to regulations is essential for your infrastructure's reliability and legal compliance. 


Understanding the costs associated with cable bench trunking is essential for effective project planning and budgeting. By considering factors such as material choice, size, installation complexity, and compliance requirements, you can make informed decisions that align with your project goals. Remember that while cost is a crucial factor, it's equally important to prioritize quality and compliance to ensure your cable management infrastructure's long-term reliability and safety. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Bench Trunking, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here
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