A Comprehensive Guide to Bench Trunking: What You Need to Know


In today's modern workplaces, efficient cable management and power distribution are essential for maintaining a clean and organised workspace. One solution that has gained significant popularity is bench trunking

Bench trunking systems offer a practical and versatile approach to managing cables, providing both functionality and aesthetics. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about bench trunking and its benefits.

What is Bench Trunking?

Bench trunking, also known as bench cable management, is a system designed to organise and conceal cables used in workstations, desks, or benches. It typically consists of a series of channels or compartments installed underneath or alongside the work surface, allowing for the efficient routing of power, data, and communication cables.

Benefits of Bench Trunking

Improved Cable Management

One of the primary advantages of bench trunking is its ability to streamline cable management. By providing designated routes for cables, it reduces clutter and prevents tangling or tripping hazards. This organised approach makes it easier to identify, access, and maintain cables when necessary.

Enhanced Aesthetics

With cables neatly concealed within the trunking system, the overall appearance of the workspace is greatly enhanced. The absence of visible wires contributes to a cleaner, more professional-looking environment, which can positively impact employee productivity and impression on clients or visitors.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Bench trunking systems are designed to accommodate various types of cables, including power cords, data cables, and even USB or HDMI connections. They offer flexibility in terms of cable capacity and configuration, allowing for easy customisation and future scalability as workspace needs evolve.

Easy Installation and Maintenance

Bench trunking systems are relatively easy to install and can be integrated into existing workstations or incorporated into new furniture designs. They also simplify cable maintenance by providing convenient access points for adding, removing, or re-routing cables without disrupting the entire setup.


Safety and Compliance

By keeping cables organised and contained, bench trunking helps mitigate safety risks. It minimises the chances of accidental cable damage, reduces the risk of electrical hazards, and ensures compliance with workplace health and safety regulations.

Choosing the Right Bench Trunking System

When selecting a bench trunking system, consider the following factors:


Assess the number and types of cables that will be routed through the system to determine the appropriate capacity.


Look for trunking systems that provide easy access to cables for maintenance or future modifications without causing disruption.


Ensure compatibility with existing or planned workstation designs to achieve a seamless integration of the bench trunking system.

Quality and Durability

Choose a high-quality trunking system made from durable materials that can withstand the demands of a dynamic workplace environment.


Bench trunking is a practical and efficient solution for cable management in modern workspaces. With its benefits ranging from improved organisation and aesthetics to enhanced safety and adaptability, bench trunking systems have become a popular choice for businesses seeking to create clean, functional, and productive work environments. 

By choosing the right bench trunking system and implementing it effectively, you can transform your workspace into a more efficient and visually appealing area.

If you want to take a closer look at our range of bench trunking click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here.

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